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Combine 4.2

New Features and Enhancements

JNetDirect Combine 4.2 is a minor new release that focuses on recoverability of the user data such as servers and environments lists. It adds new functionality to export import data and the autosave mechanism. It also contains fixes and changes that are requested by users since the last release. Key features and enhancements in Combine 4.2 are now summarized below.

1. The Autosave functionality

The new feature is Data Autosave functionality. Added functionality of environments data, combine and registered servers export and import. The data is encrypted with the user defined password to the specified folder. The data can be automatically imported by the application launch/stop events or periodically since the application start by the user defined time interval.

Export and Import functionality has been added. You can call Export/Import data dialog by clicking on the appropriate menu item. – Autosave Options have been added to the application options dialog (Tools ? Options). You can specify the password encryption (password confirmation is needed), the path to default export folder (the data exported automatically will be saved there) and auto export events by selecting checkboxes.

2. Changes to script processing

Script processing has been changed to enlarge the flexibility of scripts processing and script statements detection. Script parsing error has been fixed that identified the text “GO” inside multi-string commentaries or text variables content as server execution package start statement and split it to parts.

3. Changes to servers data

Altered servers and folder containers life cycle and saved content additionally added saving of description to combine and registere folders at object browser panel.